Africa Professionals Resource Mission


Aprm Centre

Who we are

About Us

We are Christ-centered, non-profit, non-denominational mission, committed to working with Christian professionals for the transformation of Africa. We seek to harness the resources of Christian professionals and see them as critical missionary agents. We believe in the priesthood of every believer and the professionals’ extension of the Kingdom in their work places as missionaries.

Brief History

How Professionals Mission Summits Started

Some years ago, I was seconded to labor along with a sister-ministry among the Shuwa Arabs. When we arrived in the place, we were given orientation; and part of it was that we will not really be accepted by the people if we do not have a job we are doing. Therefore, joining the team meant getting something to do. Thankfully the team had a private medical center and I became a member of the staff there. Although I read Chemistry Education, I was given some minor training and I had to work in the laboratory of the clinic. It was an opportunity to meet the villagers and to make me relevant in the community.

This experience opened my heart to the great need for professionals and the impact that they can make in communities and tribes. We also had members of our team who were traders, seamstresses, etc.

Whenever I went to the market, my friends regarded me as a doctor, but whenever they made their complaints I had to invite them to the clinic or refer them to the doctors and nurses.

I realized that with this great need, a teacher did not have to convert to a laboratory scientist if we had enough laboratory scientists in the team. The enormous need for professionals became more obvious to me.

I have also observed keenly that many Christian professionals are good Sunday worshipers and many have resigned from their jobs to become full-time Church workers. But the challenge is that they have more opportunities to make impact in the market place. Until the professionals see the market place as a ministry point, they may be waiting until when they become pastors, evangelists or missionaries before they begin to do ministry.

This burden gave rise to the vision of igniting and sharpening the vision of professionals for the unreached peoples. Therefore, when I returned from the north to Warri in 2009, we organized a Summit for pastors; and in 2010 we held our first Summit for professionals with Engr. & Mrs. Pade Tokun as the Guest Speakers. This was held at the Ekpan branch of Souls Harvesters Church.

By the following year, we developed partnership with Africa Kingdom Business Forum and we hosted together a Summit at Synergy Hall where about 133 persons attended. This partnership continued; and in 2012 we contacted one of the Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship leaders in the person of Prof. Austin Anigala. He gave encouragement to the thrust; we established some level of collaboration with the Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship; and the Professionals Missions Summit kept running annually. During these development, I was still serving as a member of staff of Souls Harvesters Ministries before Africa Professionals Resource Mission (ApRM Centre) came into existence. So far, Professionals Missions Summit has been held in Warri, Kogi State University, and now in Abuja. We are extending it to Delta State University in Abraka, Jos and other places by next year, as the Lord enables us. Professionals Missions Summit is one of the main thrust of the ApRM Centre, to help mobilize professionals to be change agents and to extend the Kingdom of God to the nations.- GODFREY OLISE”

Our Vision

To be a movement of Passionate and Innovative
Professionals, Committed to the Holistic
transformation of Africa.

Our Mission

We are committed to the transformation of Africa, working with Christian professionals through research, mobilization, discipleship, re-orientation and training of professionals who will affect the unreached people of Africa. – Our desire is to raise an army of professionals with competence and value, armed with tools through training and mobilization to reach out through all aspects of holistic program to African Nations.

Our Thrust

Professional Missions Summits, Africa Missions Outreaches Africa Missions Volunteers Services, Africa Missions Research Thrust Short-Term Missions Training of Professionals, Anti-Corruption Campaign, Reorientation of young People, Prayer for the Nations Rallies.

Our Objective
  • To propagate the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ.
  • To research into the needs and opportunities in Africa.
  • To mobilize Christian professionals to reach the unreached in Africa.
  • To carry out anti-corruption campaigns towards effective market-place ministry.
  • To mobilize young professionals and re-orientate those to be missionaries through their profession as well mobilize for outreaches to African countries.
  • To train professionals towards effective mission in Africa through the Professional Mission Institute.
  • To resource professional missions and outreaches in Africa, with books, tracts, and other materials.
  • To mobilize African professionals in diaspora for input in African missions.
  • John Stott however has noted in his book “Issues facing Christians today”, that ‘lay people need to know that their daily work is important to God. Indeed, it is essential to furthering God’s purposes for the world. They are not in a waiting room desired for those who are doing “Christian work”, nor are they in some second league because they do not preach every weekend. What they do they are called to do “as unto the Lord”, because it is service for Him.’ 
  • Robert Fraser also in his book “Market Place Christianity”, pointed out that ‘Because it is really the Lord we are serving in our task then it is impossible for us to be other than completely wholehearted’.

